sabato 16 giugno 2012

Gucci Resort 2013: please be mine!!

Hi there!
I don't think I can really describe how much I like this collection!It's so elegant and chic but also very modern and innovative..I like the simplicity of the clothes miced with those statement accessories. And (maybe because of the floral background :D) it's so..Spring-ish ;)
Can't wait till NEXT  summer haha!!
What's your fav??This is just a sneak peak, see the rest  here!
Non credo di riuscire a descrivere in maniera corretta quanto mi piace questa collezione!E' così elegante e chic e al tempo stesso moderna ed innovativa..mi piace come la semplicità dei vestiti sia in contrasto con la preziosità degli accessori. E (probabilmente grazie allo sfondo floreale :D) è molto..primaverile ;)
Non vedo l'ora arrivi la PROSSIMA estate ahah!!
Qual è il vostro pezzo preferito?Questa è soltanto un anticipazione, per l'intera collezione cliccate  qui!

Follow me here and keep update!!


10 commenti:

  1. love the looks!

  2. Lovely inspiration. That's such an amazing collection, I love absolute everything.

  3. Hello I'm ^^
    I'm a blogger, in fact I do my blog since already 1 year (I think, I'm not sure ;P HiHi) but I have decided to continue this one again! :)
    I really hope you'll love my blog, I speak about myself, my life, what I love... I write it in French cuz I'm a French girl, so maybe you can't understand! :'(
    But I put a lot of pictures so I really hope you'll love it ;P
    So please, come to see my blog and tell me about it ^^
    Have a nice day and I hope to see you soon ♥

    (I'm so sorry if you don't understand my language! :'( But if you want you can read my blog with your language, you write "" on google and click on "translate this page" (something like that ^^) and you choose your language, after that you'll can to read my blog in your language! ;)
    I hope you can understand :P)

    Kisses ♥ ;P


  4. Beautiful and photographed in such a perfect setting.

    Fashion Dawgs

  5. I loved the pictures 3 and 4!

  6. Alcuni di questi abiti sono davvero molto belli :D Reb, xoxo.
    PS: Nuovo post sul mio blog dedicato al
    SUPER HEROES PARTY by LUISAVIAROMA :) eccoti il link:

  7. grazie :)

    aw, il #3 ed il #4 sono davvero cool! poi adoro quel colore ;)
    bisous xxx

  8. I dettagli floreali mi piacciono moltissimo!!!

  9. Servizio fotografico fantastico! Gucci...sempre livelli più alti!


Thanks for your lovely comment:)

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